Terms of use

The public is invited, through the QPA website, to familiarize themselves with the EEE and comment on it, using the channels determined for each ECPP level.

For ECPP levels 1 and 2, an interested party* can file a submission or use the QPA website to submit comments on a project during the comment period. For ECPP level 3, only submissions and reports are accepted.

Submissions can be uploaded in the appropriate section for the project on the QPA website or delivered (electronically or hard copy) to the QPA office (150 Dalhousie Street, P.O. Box 80, Haute-Ville, Québec, Quebec, G1R 4M8). Please note that the postmark date will be considered the official submission date of the document.

By presenting your comment or submission to the QPA, you agree to:

  • Be identified using your true identity (first and last name); if you are representing an organization, specify the organization and your position

  • Present a developed argument concerning only the project in question

  • Refrain from using hate speech, threats and abusive or foul language; no personal attacks will be tolerated

  • Respect copyright law, privacy legislation, etc.


Should these rules not be respected, the QPA reserves the right to disregard a comment or refuse to make a report or submission available on the website.

Interested parties: Individuals or organizations that wish to provide input on a project, in the interests of creating value or managing risk.